Its been six months that i took an oath to myself that il stop using plastic & ever since then I stopped using plastic , I started carrying my own eco-friendly bag to super markets .....
I started this blog to educate people around me about the ill effects of using plastic & how planting trees helps our environment ...
Trees are important, valuable and necessary to our very existence. It's not too hard to believe that, without trees we humans would not exist on this beautiful planet. Trees are essential to life as we know it and are the ground troops on an environmental frontline. Our existing forest and the trees we plant work in tandem to make a better world....
Save Earth!!!!
Let it no to be destroyed for ever ....
If it is gone it wont come back again
I urge one & all to take the Green pledge ...
Let us all pledge to ...
1. Reduce Toxic waste, Use Recyclable/Bio degradable:
Use Less plastic, dispose properly for recycling. Use Bio Degradable materials whereever possible.
2. Conserve Natural Resources:
Consume less water, turn off tap when not used. Reduce the paper usage, print double side.
3. Conserve Energy: Power/ Hydro carbons:
Reduce the power consumption by switching to Energy saving options like compact florescent bulbs, inkjet printers, TFT Panels and energy saving modes. Use economical travel options, shared mode/ Public Transport. Turnoff Lights, monitors, Air conditioning whenever not being used.
4. Safe disposal:
Dispose all waste properly, safely.
5. Plant Trees:
Please grow Trees & do not cut them down . Plant a tree save a life - Let the tree grow Cherish the life
6. Build Awareness:
Build Awareness about environment protection conservation of resources which is need of the hour.
"Only after the last tree has fallen ,
Only after the last river has been poisoned ,
Only after the last fish has been cut ,
Only then will we realize that money cannot be eaten"
it is really very nice message.....!!!